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Why You Need a Truck Accident Attorney

Why You Need a Truck Accident Attorney

Semi truck accidents are any collision between a semi truck and another vehicle or object. They are much larger and heavier than passenger vehicles, which makes them more dangerous in the event of an accident.

According to the National Safety Council, 5,700 trucks were involved in a fatal crash in 2021. That number has climbed over 49% in the last ten years, and only continues to climb.

Possibly even more important, is that most injuries or deaths caused by trucking accidents are occupants of other vehicles, cyclists, or pedestrians. The National Safety Council reported those categories made up 83% of fatalities from truck accidents in 2021.

Even if you aren’t killed, there are myriad ways you can be injured in an accident. Whether you suffer physical harm like breaks and bruises or emotional damage such as PTSD, there are many ways truck accident injuries can leave a lasting impact.

Common Causes of Semi Truck Accidents

With our increasing reliance on online shopping, the pressure for truck drivers to deliver shipments quickly is higher than ever. 

The three most common causes of semi truck accidents are:

  • A truck leaving their lane, either into another lane or off the road 
  • Loss of control due to reasons traveling too fast for conditions, vehicle systems failure, or poor road conditions
  • Colliding with the rear end of another vehicle in the same lane of travel

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, these three causes were responsible for 83% of semi truck accidents in 2007

Most accidents had one or more associated factors as well. Issues such as driver fatigue, speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence all increase the likelihood of an accident. And since Indiana is the fifth-busiest state for commercial traffic, your chances of being involved in a trucking accident are higher than average.

What to Do If You’re Injured in a Semi Truck Accident

Like any accident on the road, the first thing you should do is call law enforcement. Have the entire scene documented as well as possible, including taking pictures and talking to anyone who witnessed the crash. Having a police report will help validate your claim, especially if you don’t appear to be injured at the scene. 

Make sure you get contact information from the other driver, such as their name, phone number, and insurance information. This is also a great time to call our team so a truck accident attorney can tell you what details to ask for. 

You also need to seek medical attention. Even if you feel alright, it’s best to be seen by a professional to document any bumps, bruises, or even emotional changes. If you sustain major injuries or have to be transported to a hospital, make sure you find out who responded to the scene and get a copy of the police report after the fact.

What Does a Truck Accident Lawyer Do?

Because of the commercial nature of semi trucks, an accident can be more complicated than the average personal injury case. The first step, however, is making sure you gather all the evidence about your accident. As crash sites are generally cleaned up as quickly as possible, this is a step you have to get right if you want full compensation for your injuries.

Having a semi truck accident attorney on your side will make sure all the evidence is gathered for your claim, including:

  • Going to the scene of your truck accident
  • Having pictures taken of the accident
  • Contacting witnesses and getting statements
  • Reviewing any available camera footage
  • Evaluating your vehicle’s damage
  • Examining your medical reports and expenses

This process can be intensive, but it’s important to gather all the information available early on. Your entire case will depend on being as thorough as possible. Once evidence has been gathered, your attorney will start building a case based on your total damages and details of the accident. 

The next steps in the process are where a semi truck accident lawyer can truly make a difference. Now that the evidence has been gathered, they can represent your best interests, including:

  • Negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf
  • Prepare complaints if insurance companies won’t negotiate
  • Initiate discovery if the case goes to trial
  • Represent you at trial

Keep in mind there can be multiple parties responsible for the truck accident, especially because most trucks work for larger corporations. This means there can be several insurance companies to file claims with. Working with an attorney can make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Contact the Best Semi Truck Accident Attorneys in Lafayette

Whether you think negligence contributed to your injuries in a truck accident, or just have questions and need answers, the trucking injury lawyers at Bennett, Boehning, and Clary have the experience and compassion to support you through this time. We believe that every personal injury case is unique and can be decided on the smallest details. Reach out to us at 765-742-9066 and see how our truck accident lawyers can help.

Disclaimer: The content of this blog is intended to be general and informational in nature. It is advertising material and is not intended to be, nor is it, legal advice to or for any particular person, case, or circumstance. Each situation is different, and you should consult an attorney if you have any questions about your situation.  

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